Professionals Development Foundation SOL-OPAC


  • Library Membership Form will be issued in the library between the library working hours.
  • Submit the membership form to the Librarian along with 2 stamp size photographs and photocopy of fee receipt.
  • The newly joined faculty shall get the library cards on showing their appointment orders.


  • Borrowing facilities are given only to the member of the library against Borrower’s Ticket/card.
  • Two Books are issued to Faculty members for the period of one month.
  • Two Books are issued to students for the period of 15 days.
  • New Books can only be issued after technical processing has been completed.
  • Reference books, rare books, unbounded periodicals may not be issued generally except with the written permission of the librarian.
  • The members shall be allowed to refer books in the Library only after submitting their ID card to the Librarian.
  • No faculty/student can take two books of the same title and author.
  • The librarian shall have the power to refuse the issue of a book to any member or he can recall any book without assigning any reason thereby.


  • All the students/scholars and outsiders entering the Library shall deposit their bags and other belongings at the entrance. Only notebooks and the Library books to be returned will be allowed inside. Do not leave any valuables at the checkpoint. Library is not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings. All files, books, and notebooks must be presented to the security guard at the checkpoint for inspection while leaving the Library. Library does not permit any exception in the observance of this rule.
  • Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the Library.
  • Books removed from the shelves by students, if not required for reference, should be kept on the book trolley or on the table nearest to them. Please do not try to shelve them yourself. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
  • Newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in their designated place.
  • Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource. Books borrowed should be protected from rain, dust, insects, etc.
  • Claim for Reference Shelf books should be made by entry in the Register maintained at the counter
  • Reference books are issued to students for overnight use during examination time only.
  • All students who want to return books issued on their names are advised to wait until the books are shown as cancelled against their names.
  • Students are advised not to issue books to others on their names.
  • Conversation and discussion disturbs the ambience of the library. Therefore, all are requested to maintain silence.
  • All users are requested to keep their mobiles switched off or in silent mode at the Library.
  • Beverages and eatables are not allowed inside the Library.
  • No visitor or guest is permitted to use the Library without prior permission.
  • Library reserves the right to call back any issued book/item at any time.
  • Feedback and suggestion books are available at the circulation desk.


  • Books will be issued for a week. Borrowers’ should be return books on or before due date, failed they have to pay of Rs. 10/- per day as an overdue. Due date will be mentioned on due date slip on last page of the books.
  • All members should return the books borrowed from the library before they proceed on a long period of leave. Borrowers will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation of the document noticed at the time of returning.
  • Members should return all the library books and cards while taking no due certificate from library.
  • If a member does not pay the library dues, the privilege of borrowing books may be suspended till he/she pays the requisite amount.


  • Librarian may send reminders for the overdue books.


  • In case any book is lost /damaged by the member, the member shall replace the book or pay the double the cost of the lost book with Rs. 50/- processing fees. If one book lost in the volumes of the set, the reader has to replace the whole set.


  • The members are responsible for the Borrower’s Cards issued to them. In case of loss of Borrower’s Card, the borrower must report immediately to the Librarian. The reader must pay Rs.50/-for each duplicate Borrower’s ticket