Ask a Librarian

  • Visit the Reference Desk at the Library
  • Visit the Information Desk at the Library
  • Speak to a librarian or make an appointment for in-depth help.
  • Call the Library’s Reference Desk


There is a reference librarian available to help you every hour that the library is open.   080 - 4536 6666

Email a Librarian

  • This service is for basic questions having brief answers.
  • A librarian will answer you within 24 hours during weekdays.

Library Rules

Faculty may place material on Reserve in the library and students may borrow that material for short periods of time, thus allowing a large number of students access to a single copy of an item.


  • Books and other publications are issued/ renewed at the circulation counter between 9.00 A.M to 6.00 P.M Only
  • Books are normally issued for 15 days to students and 30 days to Non-teaching staff and 45 days to Teaching staff.
  • Every Student / Staff shall be provided with Library cards as per their eligibility and the same to be produced every time as and when books are borrowed.
  • At a time, five books shall be issued. Identity cards shall be used for reference inside the premises.
  • Students/Staff member shall see that books have been properly issued against their names and check before leaving the counter.
  • Borrowers have to check the book that is being issued, and if a book is damaged, it should be brought to the notice of the Librarian or Library Staff. At the time of issuing, otherwise, the borrowers shall be held responsible for any damage found/discovered while returning the book.
  • Members should not sub-lend the books borrowed from the library.


    Library Id Card ticket is not transferable The borrower is fully responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card. Absence and illness are not an acceptable excuse for exemption from paying an overdue charge. In calculating the overdue charge, only college holidays (Not Departmental Holidays) are left out of the reckoning. If the due date falls on a holiday, the book may be returned on the next working day without any overdue charges. The Librarian may recall a book at any time before its due date. He may increase the overdue charges for failure to return a book when it is due or recalled. The library will usually send reminders to the faculty and students for the book due, but non-receipt of reminders is not a reason for returning the books late. If students do not renew or return the books issued against their name within a week of its due date their borrowing facility may be withdrawn for a fortnight. If a book belonging to a set is lost, borrower will be charged for replacing the entire set. In case users lost the books issued to them they should report it immediately in writing to the librarian to avoid accumulation of fine. They will be allowed a grace period of one week to confirm the loss in writing, to initiate the process of recovering the cost of the books. In case, they produce the books after the grace period, they will have to pay the prescribed fine. The library services will also stand terminated until they settle their dues whether for the loss or as a fine. During the examination time 7-10 days before the exams commence, please visit the library, those who fail to return the library dues, will not get Exam Admission Tickets.


    Members ID card is Bar- Coded. Loss of ID/ Borrower’s Card should be reported in writing to the Librarian immediately. Members are responsible for any loss/damage due to the misuse of their ID/Borrower’s card. All the users are requested to show their college ID card at the entrance of the library. While returning the books to the library, members should ensure that their books are duly discharged. Books can be recalled in case of an urgent demand for the same. Members should keep the library informed about any change of address during the period of their membership. The Librarian has the power to cancel the tickets and refuse admission to anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library or indulges in any other type of misconduct. Member should return all publications borrowed from the library before proceedings on any kind of long leave.


Up to 15 days and after two renewals of the Due Date, Rs.1/- per day. Up to next 30 days, Rs.2 per. Day/ Book, followed by suitable disciplinary action.


Book on loan, or on display at the New Arrivals shelf, can be reserved by the candidate through OPAC, or by filling out reservation forms available at the circulation counter. Reservations for more than one book will be issued according to priority. Reserved books are kept separately in the issue counter for 3 days, and the next person on the list of reservations gets priority.


Books are renewable, provided there is no demand for the books by other members. For renewals, the users have to bring the book physically; request for renewal will be considered if there is no reservation for the book. Books can be recalled at any time in case of an urgent demand by the other users.


The borrowers of the library material have to return their books on or before the due date mentioned on the books issued to them and at the time of each semester exam, before the distribution of their exam Admission Tickets, list of “Over Due Students” is notified on the library notice board and if they still did not return on the specified date, action will be taken.