The Library has more than 3000 documents consisting of Subject books, Journals, back Volumes of Journals, CD-ROMs, On-line databases, e-journals, e-books, Wi-Fi facility has been provided for laptop users. The library aims to facilitate convenient and user-friendly access to current, global, and relevant information by identifying, acquiring, organizing, and retrieving information in various formats (print and non-print). In doing so, we hope to serve the information needs of the academic fraternity at RUAS and help them meet their teaching, research, consulting, training, and learning goals.
All the library activities are guided by the library committee which is the policy making body and which is headed by the Chairman, Librarian is the convener of the committee. The representatives from the faculty, administration and students are the committee. The committee meets periodically to take decisions on all-important matters pertaining to the function of the library.